Price list of services - Aeroisk

Service price

Aeroisk will only receive remuneration when the airline pays the compensation and/or other amounts claimed in the claim.


In the event of success, our fee is 25% of the amount paid by the airline.


We do not charge any additional fees even if we have had to negotiate with the airline for a lengthy period of time on your claim, have undertaken administrative or arbitration procedures, or have had to take your claim to court. We assume the entire risk of failure, as well as all case, legal and other costs.


Under European law, the value of compensation is fixed depending on the length of the route - €250, €400 and €600.


Below is more detailed information on potential compensation, the amount you will receive and our fee.


Route length up to 1500 кm 1500 кm - 3500 кm over 3500 км *
Compensation payable** €250 €400 €600
If successful you will receive***

366,72 лв.BGN (€187,50)

586,75 BGN (€300) 880,12 BGN (€450)

On success our commission is

122,24 BGN (€62,50) 195,58 BGN (€100) 293,37 BGN (€150)
If you do not receive compensation our commission is 0 0 0
Our remuneration on any other amounts paid by the airline, including reimbursement of tickets, other expenses such as food and beverages, hotel, transportation, etc. 25% of the amount paid by the airline


All amounts in BGN are calculated at the BNB fixed rate €1 = BGN 1,95583.


Aeroisk will pay compensation within 3 working days of receipt of the amount from the airline (or receipt of bank details from the passenger if these have not been provided to date).


In the event that the passenger receives payment of the compensation into his/her bank account, the passenger must pay the commission due to Aeroisk within 3 working days.


* For domestic flights within the EU the maximum compensation is €400 (even if the route length is more than 3500 km).
** In extremely rare cases and under certain conditions the compensation may be reduced by 50%, then our remuneration is 25% of the amount paid.
*** Amounts are exclusive of bank transfer fees and currency conversion fees, if applicable (the exchange rate of the servicing bank on the day of transfer applies).


Please read our Terms and Conditions for more information.

Register a claim for compensation
