Check flight
  1. Flight data
  2. What is the problem with flight
  3. Submit claim

Step 1: Finding your flight

We can't find your flight.
Manual search or try again.
Please input valid flight number
Please input flight date

We can't find your flight.
Manual search or try again.


Step 2: What is the flight problem?

When did the airline notify you about the cancellation?

Please, select answer

What was the total delay when you arrived at the place of your final destination?

Please, select answer

Did you show up on time for your boarding (45 minutes before the flight)?

Please, select answer

Did you volunteer not to travel?

Please, select answer

What was your final destination?

Please, select your final destination

Potential compensation: per passenger

Step 3: Submit claim

Have you already submitted a claim for this flight?

Please, select answer

Login as existing user:


Please input data for creating new user:

Please input data for creating new user.

Request callback

Please input name
Please input phone